Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1-363 WiN
Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1.363 WiN es una poderosa y versátil herramienta de síntesis de sonido que se utiliza en la producción musical y diseño de sonido. Desarrollado por Xfer Records, Serum-Serum FX combina un potente motor de síntesis con una interfaz intuitiva y numerosas opciones de edición y manipulación de sonido.
Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1-363 WiN
- Importa tu propio audio / crear ondas personalizadas
- Osciladores ultra-limpios
- Modulación – trabaja de la manera que quieras
- Manipulación wavetable en tiempo real
- Diversos tipos de filtros
- Suite de efectos incluida
- 450 presets, 144 wavetables
- WEB: Xfer Record Serum
Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1-363 WiN
Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1.363 WiN is a powerful and versatile sound synthesis tool used in music production and sound design. Developed by Xfer Records, Serum-Serum FX combines a powerful synthesis engine with an intuitive interface and numerous options for sound editing and manipulation.
The standout feature of Serum-Serum FX is its ability to create complex and high-quality sounds. The synthesis engine uses wavetable techniques and additive synthesis to generate a wide range of sounds, from classic synthesizers to atmospheric textures and unique sound effects.
The user interface of Serum-Serum FX is clear and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly access all functions and controls. It features a main window where adjustments and modifications can be made in real-time, and it offers a wide variety of modulation and routing options.
Serum-Serum FX also includes an extensive library of presets and pre-defined waveforms that make it easy to create custom sounds. Additionally, users can import their own waveforms and audio samples for further customization and experimentation.
Another notable feature of Serum-Serum FX is its effects and sound processing capabilities. It offers a wide range of built-in effects such as filters, reverb, distortion, phase modulation, and many more. These effects can be applied and modulated to create dynamic changes in the sound.
Xfer Serum-Serum FX v1-363 WiN
- Import your own audio / create custom waves
- Ultra-clean oscillators
- Modulation – work the way you want
- Wavetable manipulation in real time
- Various types of filters
- Effects suite included
- 450 presets, 144 wavetables
- WEB: Xfer Record Serum
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Xfer Serum + SerumFX v1.363
VST-VST3-AAX-SAL WiN x86 x64
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